Vines Selections for the NORTHEAST
ENGLISH IVY - From Massachusetts southward this plant, called Hedera Helix in scientific circles, is found as a ground cover 8 inches tall and as a vine climbing up into trees and on walls 50 feet or more. It will grow in any good soil in sun or partial shade; its broad leaves are a good green throughout the year.
WINTERCREEPER - A vine and ground cover for the sun, Euonymus Fortuni is also found from Massachusetts southward. It is an interesting plant and will grow in any garden soil, reaching up into a tree 50 feet or more or spreading on the ground forming a foot-high carpet.
BEARBERRY - Best for dry sandy soils, this is an extremely hardy plant with broad leaves. It grows from 6 to 12 inches tall and prefers a location in the full sun. It is listed as Arctostaphylos Uvaursi
CREEPING JUNIPER - In front of evergreen shrubs, in rockeries, on steep banks Juniperus horizontalis (and its varieties) is wonderfully effective, its needles forming an interesting textural contrast to other plantings. Always dependable, it is extremely hardy and will thrive in sun or shade, sometimes growing 18 inches tall.
TAMARIX JUNIPER - Especially useful under city conditions this needled evergreen to 2 feet tall may be used similarly to creeping juniper. Listed as Juniperus Sabina tamaricifolia, it grows well in poor soil in either sun or shade.
DWARF HOLLY GRAPE - In foundation plantings, particularly beneath low windows, Mahonia repens deserves to be more widely used. It will live from Massachusetts southward. It is a broad leaved plant to 10 inches high and prefers a good loam in an area which is shaded part of the day.
CANBY PACHISTIMA - This hardy little plant to 12 inches high can be grown in Massachusetts and southward with simple plant care in an acid soil in either sun or shade. It is called Pachistima Canbyi botanically. Its foliage turns an interesting bronze in fall, remaining that way all winter. Just like passion vines it is especially effective planted in front of rhododendrons and other broad leaved evergreens.
JAPANESE PACHYSANDRA - The best ground cover for shaded situations, Pachysandra terminalis makes a coarse-textured carpet beneath trees, along the edge of a woodland garden and in foundation plantings. It grows to 6 inches high and likes a good loamy soil.
WINELEAF CINQUEFOIL - This extremely hardy plant called Potentilla tridentata is happiest in rocky soils where it can have full-day sun. Its broad leaves are quite interesting and it grows from 2 to 12 inches tall.
COMMON PERIWINKLE - Because it likes sun or shade and will thrive in any type soil, this is the all-purpose ground cover. It grows 6 inches tall and produces pale blue flowers in spring when daffodils are in bloom. Some nurserymen list it as running-myrtle; its scientific name is Vinca minor.
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