Whenever you desire to go on that motorcycle weekend trip, you will need to plan some things before you go. A friend of mine who adores his Harley Road King has a wife who really does not enjoy it very much, so one thing we always do is have what we call our pace car; and with the wife of my buddy drives it! And since we typically have many things to take with us, it is nice to have a pace car full of necessary things when you reach your destination, but not necessarily things you need on the way. Our pace car carries things like sleeping bags, extra food, a larger tool kit, blankets, and our tents. We also like to have his wife have the other end of the walkie-talkie in case she decides to stop at a shopping mall along the way and we need something in the car. We also make sure she carries beer to sip in the evenings when we are not riding out on the open road.
When planning for a motorcycle weekend trip, you should track out a good map for your destination, the number of miles you will be traveling, and what options are available on your route for gas stops and also for hotels if you do not plan to camp out. It is pretty simple to plan out your entire with the help of some of the multitude of mapping options that are available today on the Internet or if you are real slick, you could do it manually using that old atlas.
Beyond the pace car with my buddys wife in it, we like to make sure we bring other necessary things we will need. Plenty of water and thirst quencher drinks are good for motorcycle trips to keep you hydrated-it can be very hot out there on the highway, mountain, and rural roads. Smart and healthy snacks are good to take along such as granola bars and other small snacks that fit easily into your backpack or motorcycle compartments.
You must also take along a compact tool kit that is easily store which contains items that you may require for emergency repairs. All the basic tools like screwdrivers, spare nuts and bolts, plastic ties, extra bungee cords, along with other small tools you might need are all good things to have. If you can, and have the room, extra oil and braking fluid are good to bring as well as flashlights and matches. Keep your matches in a plastic bag so they stay dry if you hit rain.
As we mention rain, anytime that we can not locate the pace car and dry off in the SUV, we always bring along some rainwear for protection from rainfall regardless of whether it is light or strong. They make all sorts of rain weather gear these days along with gloves and jackets that are heated for cooler mountain or elevated areas. Other wearable gear needed is of course your helmet and make sure it is Department of Transportation or DOT certified in case you get stopped by any official, riding glasses, scarves for face protection, and a good pair of chaps to keep your legs warm and protected.
Personal items to take in a plastic protected bag might be your toothbrush and toothpaste or other grooming needs you can not live without. You should also keep your wallet, credit cards, and money inside a plastic bag to avoid damaging them-after all, you will need them when you arrive at your destination and throughout your trip, especially if the pace car is way, way ahead of you, or in the case of my buddy, way, way behind him.
All folks going on the trip need to bring along a few towels for drying their bikes and windshields if you were to pass through any rain. If at all possible, use a reliable GPS unit on your bike that will confirm that you are on course and are not lost, even if you have planned your trip. Extra clothing is good if you get too wet or cold to change into including an extra pair of gloves or warm hat that you can wear under your helmet.
When you plan a motorcycle trip for the weekend, make sure that you go with some friends, as it could be very challenging to do it alone. Additionally, it is much more enjoyable to bring friends along for some good laughs and enjoying the open road together. Try to make sure friends or relatives at home know your route and where you are going in case they need to get a hold of you. Weekend motorcycle trips can be fun, exciting, and relaxing-especially if you have that awesome pace car with everything you do not want to carry.
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